3D Animation - Lip Sync

This is the finished lip sync for my scene, which will then be imported into my environment. There will be a few more aspects to animated within that scene, but the purpose of this exercise was to gain an understanding of the mouth and facial motions.

3D Animation - Standard Walk Cycle

My stationary walk cycle exercise with Norman

Lighting Experiments - INTERIOR


UV Mapping and Texturing - The Bathysphere

Creating the map was simple enough by using Spherical Mapping. When I had finished creating the texture, I just moved the seem to the back of the model where it wouldn't be visible. 
 To create the texture for the exterior I mixed layers of paint strokes and textures with coloured overlays to obtain the exact look I wanted for the bathysphere. I also altered the material attributes to make the object look more metallic.
 To hide the seem, I decided to create a band with decorative rivets. I created a texture that was a close match to the shade of the porthole frame. I even experimented with bump mapping on this band, to make it appear slightly rusted.
To complete the bathysphere, I modelled a glass pane. I wanted to paint a grubby, worn-looking texture for the outside of the window to give the impression that the bathysphere has been underwater for quite a long time. As though algae has started to grow on its surface. On the inside section, I erased most of this texture, apart from a little "dust" at the edges where it hasn't been "cleaned". 

UV Mapping - Part 2

 I decided I wanted to create all of the textures for my control panel as it's one of the main focal points in my scene. This screencap shows all of the components with the checker material applied and fully mapped. For the components that have been duplicated I used the same map. 

The map for the control box itself. 

Maps for a pipe and the pressure dials.